I am considering how we communicate with ourselves. This started today when considering that we use food to communicate love or hate to ourselves. We eat poorly, things that are bad for us and then we feel bad...guilty, disappointed, frustrated, ashamed. Or we eat super healthy and feel proud, energetic, centered, peaceful. Food doesn't have the power to make us feel these emotions. Our food choices are the product of our feelings. And our feelings are here to tell us something.
Can we track those feelings? See if we can trace where they began, and let them go? Just let them go. Let them go. Let them go. We can. We can stop them from choosing our food for us just to exaggerate the feeling and get our attention. We can cut out the middle man, go directly to the feeling and say hello to it. Listen to it. See it. Honor it. Talk to it. Say "I hear you and I see you and I feel you...and I am in control of your place in my life."